Working Group 5
Exploitation and Dissemination

The objective of WG 5: Exploitation and Dissemination is to consolidate and disseminate the knowledge gained in WG 1 to WG 4 to ensure the sustainability of the results achieved. This will be achieved by facilitating the interconnection and dissemination of knowledge between the WGs, with the aim of creating synergistic effects within the Action, as well as with the scientific and industrial community, food safety agencies, governmental institutions, and other relevant stakeholders. The objective of this WG is to raise awareness of the SafeGameMeat COST Action objectives and to establish regular communication and dialogue between stakeholders.
- To ensure synergies and knowledge gain as well as strengthening dissemination and communication by on-site and online activities, literature for the scientific and industrial community, as well as by providing knowledge with low barriers to the general public.
Task 5.1.1 Creation of a website for the Action.
Task 5.1.2 Compiling knowledge of obtained results and identifying gaps to bring them into discussion within the network to foster synergisms. Further, synergisms beyond the Action will be supported by providing sound knowledge to stakeholders and the general public.
Task 5.1.3 Organisation of kick-off, annual and final Action meetings and compilation of the final report.
- To raise awareness of the latest developments in game meat safety, to encourage debate on how to professionalise the GMC and to improve game meat safety, and to share the knowledge gained from the Action with key stakeholders, including food safety agencies at the European and international level.
Task 5.2 Planning, organisation, implementation, and evaluation of two international conferences on safety in the GMC in Europe, involving important stakeholders such as researchers, safety agencies, and policymakers at the European and international levels.
- To implement cross-European training in Good Hygiene Practice for (ongoing) hunters and hunter trainers to improve the knowledge transfer and awareness of hunters as food producers.
Task 5.3 Initiation of a cross-European training programme for (ongoing) hunters and for trainers of trained persons according to (EC) No. 853/2004 (train-the-trainer).
- To ensure individual mobility, strengthen the network, and foster collaboration between researchers within the Action by supporting the exchange of scientists and other proposers.
Task 5.4 Coordination of Short-Term Scientific Missions (STSMs).
- To monitor key indicators of the Action, allowing for a comprehensive overview of participants, activities, and measures conducted within the Action.
Task 5.5 Monitoring of key indicators about the consortium, activities and measures, network visualisation as well as providing participation certificates when reasonable.