Working Group 2
Trade Network and Supply Chain

Photo by Terje Sollie, avaliable from Pexels
The objective of WG 2: Trade Networks and Supply Chain is to collect data on the trade, commodity flows, traceability and consumption of game meat in Europe. Furthermore, the potential applications of game meat by-products will be investigated.
  • To conduct an updated review of national consumption of game meat in the countries participating in the Action. This seminal report will serve as the foundation for estimating the total and per capita consumption of game meat in each country. This information is essential for calculating individual exposure to the potential health risks.
Task 2.1 Collection of market data and review of publications about import, export, traceability and consumption of game meat in Europe.
  • To obtain a dataset of the most important game meat processing companies and traders and to create flow-charts reconstructing the logistics of the commodity flows including information on the traceability of game meat products in the countries participating to the proposed Action, providing a first description of the structure and dimension of the game meat market.
Task 2.2 Workshop and panel discussion on trade networks, logistics and main commodity flows of game meat in Europe.
  • To conduct a cross-cultural systematic review of the wild game consumption habits in the countries participating in the Action. This will provide a first picture of the differences and similarities between countries, facilitating the proposal of commercialisation guidelines and standards that could be shared across European countries.
Task 2.3 Workshop and review of publications on consumption habits including preparation methods in Europe.
  • To condense information on the handling methods of game by-products by hunters and meat- processors, with a specific focus on their utilisation for feed of companion animals, to have a first estimate of the dimension and the structure of their market and use.
Task 2.4 Internet search and review of available information and publications on the utilisation of game animal by-products and on handling of offal not utilised as food or feed.
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